[toggle_framed title=”Where did Montessori come from?”]
Montessori (pronounced MON-tuh-SORE-ee) education was founded in 1907
by Dr. Maria Montessori, the first woman in Italy to become a physician.
She based her educational methods on scientific observation of
children’s learning processes. Guided by her discovery that
children teach themselves, Dr. Montessori designed a “prepared
environment” in which children could freely choose from a number of
developmentally appropriate activities. Now, nearly a century after
Maria Montessori’s first casa dei bambini (“children’s house”) in Rome,
Montessori education is found all over the world, spanning ages from birth
to adolescence.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”Are Montessori schools religious?”] Some are, but most are not.
Some Montessori schools, just like other schools, operate under the auspices of a
church,synagogue, or diocese, but most are independent of any religious affiliation.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”What special training do Montessori teachers have?”]
As with the choice of a Montessori school for children, an adult must also exercise
wisdom in choosing a teacher training course. Anyone can legally use the name
“Montessori” in describing their teacher training organization. One must be sure the
certification earned is recognized by the school where one desires to teach.
There are courses, such as “distance learning” or “correspondence courses” which
can help one better understand Montessori theory or which can train adults to work in
certain schools. Sometimes these are the only possibility, but they do not fully prepare
one for the intensive and fulfilling work with a classroom of children. When choosing
a training course it is important to balance the amount o time and money one can spend
with the teaching opportunities desired, and to find out ahead of time if your
certification earned will allow you to teach in a school you are considering.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”Are Montessori children successful later in life?”]
Research studies show that Montessori children are well prepared for later life
academically, socially, and emotionally. In addition to scoring well on standardized
tests, Montessori children are ranked above average on such criteria as following
directions, turning in work on time, listening attentively, using basic skills,
showing responsibility, asking provocative questions, showing enthusiasm for learning,
and adapting to new situations.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”The materials don’t seem to allow children to be creative?”]
The materials teach specific things and then the creativity is incredible.
Like learning how to handle a good violin and then playing music. It is not
considered “creative” to use a violin as a hammer, or a bridge while playing with
blocks. We consider it “creative” to learn how to use the violin properly and then
create music. The same goes for the materials in a Montessori classroom.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”What’s difference between Montessori and traditional education?”]
At the under age six level, Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses,
not just through listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classes
learn at their own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities
from hundreds of possibilities. The are not required to sit and listen to a teacher
talk to them as a group, but are engaged in individual or group activities of their
own, with materials that have been introduced to them 1:1 by the teacher who knows
what each child is ready to do. Learning is an exciting process of discovery,
leading to concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning.
Above age 6 children learn to do independent research, arrange field trips to gather
information, interview specialists, create group presentation, dramas, art exhibits,
musical productions, science projects, and so forth. There is no limit to what they
created in this kind of intelligently guided freedom. There no text books or
adult-directed group lessons and daily schedule. There is great respect for the
choices of the children, but they easily keep up with or surpass what they would be
doing in a more traditional setting. There is no wasted time and children enjoy their
work and study. The children ask each other for lessons and much of the learning
comes from sharing and inspiring each other instead of competing with each other.
Montessori classes place children in three-year-or-more age groups
(3-6, 2.5-6, 6-12, and so on), forming communities in which the older children
spontaneously share their knowledge with the younger ones. Montessori represents an
entirely different approach to education.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”Teach by teaching, not by correcting”]
There are no papers turned back with red marks and corrections. Instead the child’s
effort and work is respected as it is. The teacher, through extensive observation
and record-keeping, plans individual projects to enable each child to learn what he
needs in order to improve.[/toggle_framed]

[toggle_framed title=”Is Montessori international?”]
There are thousands of Montessori schools all over the world. Internationally Montessori

has always been at the forefront alternative education. It is the education system of

choice for those are looking for a truly global education. [/toggle_framed]